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Tutorial: Reading and knowledge assembly

In this tutorial, we provide a step-by-step example of running a machine reading system on a set of sample documents and then running INDRA assembly on the outputs of the system.

In what follows, we assume that our working base folder is /data, that this folder already exists, and all work is done under this path. This is arbitrary and can be replaced by another appropriate local path.

This tutorial assumes that Eidos and INDRA World are installed according to their respective instructions.

1. Download input documents

First, we need to prepare a set of input documents to run reading on. Depending on the reading system(s) used, these can be plain text files or CDR files containing both the plain text of the document and some metadata. In this example, we will use a set of 423 documents represented as CDRs, available publicly on Github.

cd /data
git clone

The documents will now be in the /data/world-modelers-demo-docs/cdrs folder.

2. Configure the ontology

For simplicity, we assume that the latest version of the default World Modelers ontology is used for reading and assembly, which is available here. Normally, if using this ontology, no extra steps are needed, however, here we make its use explicit to better illustrate how a custom ontology could be used.

We will put the ontology in /data/ontology.yml, the following command doing the download:

wget -O /data/ontology.yml

3. Run reading on documents

Next, we run Eidos on the input documents. For detailed instructions on setting up Eidos, see here. Assume that the Eidos repository is in /data/eidos. We will put the Eidos output in the /data/eidos/output folder. To point Eidos to the ontology we downloaded in the last step, we need to edit /data/eidos/src/main/resources/eidos.conf, and change the line

wm_compositional = ${ontologies.path}/CompositionalOntology_metadata.yml


wm_compositional = /data/ontology.yml

We can now go to the Eidos repository folder and run Eidos. The last parameter in the call to Eidos below is the thread count which we set to 4 to allow Eidos to use 4 threads in parallel.

cd /data/eidos
mkdir -p output
sbt "runMain org.clulab.wm.eidos.apps.batch.ExtractCdrMetaFromDirectory /data/world-modelers-demo-docs/cdrs /data/eidos/output /data/eidos/times 4"

Reading can take a few hours. For faster results, start with an input folder that only contains a subset of CDRs.

4. Process reader outputs and run assembly

After Eidos finished reading, we can process its outputs using INDRA and run an assembly pipeline with configurable steps. In this example, we will interact with INDRA World using its native Python environment. We need to prepare an input file telling INDRA where to source reader output results from. Below we do this using some simple Python code.

import json
import glob

eidos_outputs = glob.glob('/data/eidos/outputs/*.jsonld')
with open('/data/reader_outputs.json', 'w') as fh:
    json.dump({'eidos': eidos_outputs}, fh, indent=1)

Assume we want to put INDRA’s assembled output into /data/indra_output. We can now run INDRA World as

mkdir /data/indra_output
indra_world --reader-output-files /data/reader_outputs.json \
    --ontology-path /data/ontology.yml --output-folder /data/indra_output

The output will be a JSON-L file in /data/indra_output/statements.json

5. Examine/analyze results

At this point, we can examine the assembled output from the documents using INDRA’s Statement objects. Each Statement represents a causal Influence between two Events.

Let’s open up an interactive Python session and take a look at the Statements.

from indra.statements import stmts_from_json_file
stmts = stmts_from_json_file('/data/indra_output/statements.json', format='jsonl')