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Sofia Workflows


Integrated system

There are several caveats related to running Sofia as part of the integrated system including the following.

  1. Ontology structure

    SOFIA works with an older version of the World Modelers Ontology structure. The latest version of the ontologies used by the other Readers uses an updated format that is not natively recognized SOFIA. There is a CLI tool for translating the ontology into something SOFIA can use that is provided with the DART Concepts Explorer project. Any ontologies developed with the Ontology in a Day (OIAD) workflow must be run through this utility first before SOFIA can use it. Instructions for running this utility can be found here.

  2. No support for dynamic ontology loading

    SOFIA can only support a single ontology per instance of the application. It loads a static resource from the filesystem on startup and has not been integrated with the Ontology Registry . Furthermore, due to the necessity to adapt the ontology structure out-of-band, it is not currently possible to support the dynamic “hot swapping” of ontologies at runtime. Therefore, to utilize SOFIA to obtain Reader Outputs for the latest version of the World Modelers Machine Reading Pipeline, one of the following deployment scenarios must be chosen.

    a. Run multiple instances of the SOFIA application with different ontologies

    SOFIA can be run as a realtime stream processor if the ontologies are stable and provided ahead of time. Provided that the ontology has been properly translated, you can run a single instance of the SOFIA application for each ontology. The file is specified with the ONTOLOGY environment variable when starting the Docker container.

    b. Process the data “offline” in batches

    The SOFIA Reader can also be run as an offline batch process. This scenario is also contingent on a set of stable ontologies being available ahead of time. To support this scenario, one can run SOFIA with the KAFKA_AUTO_OFFSERT_RESET parameter set to earliest to force it to process the entire CDR update stream each time. SOFIA can be run once per ontology to produce the desired Reader Outputs.

At the time of writing, the changes necessary to run SOFIA with the latest World Modelers configuration has not been merged into the master branch. One must use a Docker image that is based off of this fork or this branch of the main repository. The following Docker compose configuration can be used to run SOFIA in order to support both of the scenarios outlined above:

Name Description Examples
DART_KAFKA_BROKER_URL hostname of the Kafka broker that hosts the DART CDR stream
DART_READER_UPLOAD_API_URL hostname of the DART Reader Output REST API
DART_CDR_API_URL hostname of the DART CDR Retrieval REST API
ONTOLOGY fully qualified path to the ontology file (must be translated first) /opt/app/conf/49277ea4-7182-46d2-ba4e-87800ee5a315.yml
SOFIA_USER DART username for the SOFIA Reader sofia
SOFIA_PASS DART password of the SOFIA Reader dart-password
    container_name: sofia
    image: sofia:latest
      UPLOAD_API_URL: http://${DART_READER_UPLOAD_API_URL}:13337/dart/api/v1/readers/upload
      CDR_API_URL: http://${DART_CDR_API_URL}:8090/dart/api/v1/cdrs
      ONTOLOGY: /opt/app/conf/49277ea4-7182-46d2-ba4e-87800ee5a315.yml
      SOFIA_USER: sofia
    restart: unless-stopped
     - ./data/sofia:/sofia
     - ./data/appdata:/opt/app/data
    network_mode: host

Reading and assembly Reading + integration/assembly

In this workflow, INDRA World is used to process the output files generated by Sofia. You can follow the instructions below to produce the output files first and then follow the INDRA World instructions to run assembly.

Reading only

In this workflow Sofia runs as a standalone reading system. Usage instructions for running Sofia on input documents is provided here.